Compression Deflection & Durometer
Compression deflection is a measure of a material's resistance to force, while durometer is a measure of the hardness of a material. In particular, the duometer measures the hardness of the mat's surface material, while the compression deflection measures the overall "give" of the mat.
Compression Deflection
For testing, two specific load levels are applied to the test samples and the results show the deflection measured. The two specific load levels used are 20 psi, equal to a 150 pound person, and 40 psi, equal to a 600 pound person. Readings suggest that less than 20% deflection could be perceived as too hard and readings above 60% deflection could be perceived as too soft. It appears that between deflection between 20% and 60% produces the greatest anti-fatigue benefits.
The hardness of a mat's surface is measured by means of a Type A Shore Durometer. The durometer measures the penetration of its specified indenter forced into the test material under specified conditions. The lower readings indicate softer materials.
Results by Product
Product Pages: Comfort Flow, Comfort Scrape, Cushion Complete, Comfort Premier, Cushion Select, Comfort Station Max, DuraComfort, TuffComfort Standing Desk Mat, Hog Heaven, Hog Heaven Max, Hog Heaven Fashion, Hog Heaven Fashion Max & Wet Step.